
Quick post today--I am finishing up the WIP to get it turned in by (hopefully) the end of the week!  This is something a little different for me, the first in a mystery series.  It's set in the early Elizabethan period (book one is 1558, right before Elizabeth becomes queen; book two will take place around the coronation in January 1559).  It has a heroine--Kate Haywood, the daughter of the queen's chief musician (and a musician herself, who discovers a new talent for solving murders).  It has a title--Murder at Hatfield House.  It has a release date--October 2013.  And I have a new pseudonym--Amanda Carmack.  Now it must get finished.

Here are a couple pics of the setting:

And some pretty dresses (my heroine gets to dress up a lot more in book two, tentatively titled Murder at Westminster Abbey), which I am very excited about, of course!!

I'm also worrying about East Coast friends (thankfully many of them post Facebook updates), thinking about last minute wedding stuff (7 weeks away!), and trying to get back onto a regular exercise routine, which I have been slacking on for too long.  I hope everyone has a good, safe week....


  1. I love Elizabethan gowns--they don't look especially comfortable to wear, but so grand and sumptuous!

  2. Amanda, congrats on the new series! This sounds fantastic and I am as always impressed by your versatility as a writer.


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