
Today in the mid-atlantic states and the northeast we will be having a hurricane. Not just any old hurricane, but a storm such as has never been seen before. It looks like New Jersey and New York city will be hardest hit. The Washington D.C. area where I live will be on the outskirts of the storm, but, even so, the federal government is closed, the subway and bus lines will not run, schools are closed and we've been warned for two days to be prepared.

I've been to the grocery store twice and purchased all the essentials. Toilet paper. Cat food. Kitty litter....and food and drink for the people in the household. If we have electricity, I'll let you know how we are faring during the day. If not, I'll be back when I can.

Meanwhile, here's a snippet about a hurricane in England, March 23, 1822.

And one from October 18, 1812, and another from October 19 and 20 that same year.

If you are in the storm's path, I wish you good luck. Stay safe.
Any advice for weathering a storm? What should I read, if I need to read by candlelight?


  1. God bless, Diane and all those in Sandy's path. My nephew and his wife are in the D.C. area. What a blessing facebook and texting are in being able to keep in touch with people.

    Interesting news articles.

    If I were without power, I'd reread some of my favorites.

  2. I hope everyone will be safe.

    I live in an area of upstate New York that has suffered several hundred-year floods in the past few years. I live on a hill so if another one happens, my family and I will just be stranded without power for a while again. We manage OK, having the right supplies on hand, playing Scrabble, writing and crocheting (by candlelight if necessary).

    I fear more for people in the valleys who've sustained a lot of damage or even lost their homes and now for other communities who are more in the direct path.

    Stay safe everyone!

  3. Stay safe, Diane!!! Maybe you need a quill pen and some parchment paper for writing if the power goes down? :)

  4. I am up high but our house is also surrounded by trees. We'll be fine, though. We're prepared.

    Hope the same goes for you, Elena, and your nephew and his wife, Judy.

  5. I love both images you posted. Just this morning I was thinking about storms in days before The Weather Channel and modern forecasting. At least now people can prepare for dire straits.

  6. I love both images you posted. Just this morning I was thinking about storms in days before The Weather Channel and modern forecasting. At least now people can prepare for dire straits.

  7. Great articles, O Divine One. I tend to forget when it comes to weather there is nothing new under the sun. I hope you and all of my friends and family in the path of the storm stay safe, dry and warm! If you were having trouble sleeping because of the storm you could read Fordyce's sermons by candlelight!

  8. We're still okay. Lots of wind and rain. I feel sorry for those who are in the worst of it.

  9. I'm glad you're OK Diane. We're fine where I am. The storm passed further south of us than expected so we got off easily. My heart goes out to those who were in the direct path.


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