
What a week. And it's only Wednesday. I just want this post to be a big sigh of relief as well as sorrow.

To my fellow Riskies who were in the path of hurricane Sandy, I am SO glad you're OK.

I want to cry when I think of the lives lost while I thank goodness for the First Responders, who put their lives on the line, and for all the people who worked in the background before, during, after, and in the days ahead.

I've donated to the Red Cross relief effort and will surely do so again in the coming days and weeks. We're only just beginning to get a handle on what it will take to recover.


  1. Seconding the relief and the sorrow. My area got hit with catastrophic flooding last year. Many homes and places of business were destroyed or damaged although thankfully there was no loss of life.

    So I am glad we were spared this time but my heart goes out to those who weren't. I hope those who weren't hit will be generous.

  2. I am so grateful that the DC area came through relatively unscathed and my heart breaks for new york, new jersey, and connecticut.


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