Random Tuesday

So, today I have nothing of interest to say about anything coherent! I am:

1) Finishing the current WIP and diving into the next one, so moving from Mary Queen of Scots's Edinburgh to Victorian London! It's not the smoothest of transitions, and will probably require much watching of Young Victoria

2) Packing to leave for the Vampire Diaries convention this weekend! Look for an article on the Heroes and Heartbreakers blog when I get back, as well as squeal-y, fan-girl posts here and on Twitter. I am still trying to decide what to wear for the masquerade ball...

3) Gardening. Now that the temps are in the 80s here and my lilacs are blooming out, I need to clean out the vegetable beds and get them ready for lovely summer plants, yay!

So, while I do all this, let's look at some pretty, pretty hats!

Speaking of great hats, and dresses, and cars, and music, next week I'll be talking about my April Undone! release, The Girl in the Beaded Mask, set at a big, wild Gatsby-esque party in 1922. This is one of my favorite historical periods, and I was so excited to get to write this story! (I'll be giving away a copy, too...)

What are you doing this week? What are some time periods you'd like to read more about? And which hat is your favorite???


  1. Aloha, Amanda! I think all the hats are lovely! You are probably excited to watch the upcoming Royal Wedding just to check out the hats!

  2. The hats are lovely!

    But I'm really psyched for your Undone!! Love the idea of a story set at a wild Gatsby-esque party in 1922!

  3. 80s, Amanda? We are still in the 30s and 40s here!

    Those are some great hats and congrats on the Undone!

  4. I saw on TV there was snow on the east coast, Elena! That is terrible--I am sooooo over winter, I think I would start crying if it snowed here (plus it would kill my new flowers!)

    Kim, I am already planning a royal wedding party with some of my friends! We are having a slumber party with cake, champagne, and tiaras, and I can't wait :) (Maybe I will wear a hat too)

  5. I simply adore hats and can prove it with my vintage hat collection that consists of over 60 hats. I've also purchased beautiful hats in Dublin, London and Paris. So thanks for the hat porn!

    I simply adore the 1920s and am working on a short story taking place during that time period. But I also love WWII and the Depression (yes, I said that)...I'm becoming a big fan of the early 20th century and working on four short stories taking place during each decade from 1910s to 1940s. And in honor of your Gatsby-esque novel may I make you laugh with the following?


  6. Amanda,

    The blue hat in the second picture is cute, but what's with the exposed boob? Was she suffering from an inflamed nipple? Advertising for a lover?

  7. Gorgeous hats, Amanda! I too love the blue one in the second picture. I am going to assume the lady in question may be a courtesan? In which case my taste in hats might be just a bit risque!

    And what a great setting for a story. Love the '20s!

    I am enjoying my week of vacation even more because our weather is in the 70's and 80's!

  8. Love all the pictures of the hats. I wish I could pull off a cool hat. Alas, I cannot.

    My love reading about the Regency and the Victorian eras. Recently I was a series that takes place in the Edwardian era and I really enjoyed it. I hope I can read more in the era.


  9. Danielle, please divulge the name of this series. I am dying to find a good series in that time period.

  10. I would love to see more stories set in Restoration-era England, but your Undone sounds great!

  11. LOL Rachel! And--60 hats??? Wow.

    I would also love to know what the Edwardian series is! It's such a great period, and after "Downton Abbey" I would definitely love to see more of it.

    And Barbara, I may have a Restoration series coming very soon (fingers crossed!)

  12. I am trying to unpack and catch up after a week+ trip to New Orleans. My poor flower beds are a disaster, so I spent today pulling up dead leaves and branches from last year. Luckily we are a bit behind you in the growing season. When we get a chance, we will be working on the vegetable garden.
    I will also be starting the dreaded Spring Cleaning.

    The hats are lovely.

  13. Gorgeous hats. The romance world is overdue for more 20's stories. Yay!

  14. @Rachel-The Edwardian series that I read was the Abandoned at the Altar series by Laura Lee Guhrke. The first two books are Wedding of the Season and Scandal of the Year.


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