Oooh, pictures!

I am in deadline mode. Ack!!! :::arms failing::: Oh, hey, hold on while I go organize my soup cans and sort the vegetable bin.

While I do that, here's some pictures from around Jewel Central. Also, this post is Regency related because I am writing a Regency. Oh, and also, I am using the exploding pencil AND the falling off doorknob in this book.


  1. Your lovely, detailed pictures reminded me of Anne Lamott's quote: "Writing a first draft is very much like watching a Polaroid develop"

    Good luck with your deadline!

  2. Lovely photos, Carolyn, you multi-talented lady you!!

  3. Deadline Ack Deadline!!!

    Thanks, you guys!

    And my apologies for being dull.

  4. Good luck with your Deadline. It sounds like you might need it.
    Nice photos, and those are never boring or dull.


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