
Apologies, all; I have been horribly remiss in updating the Riskies here. I've been busy, overwhelmed, overworked, etc.

As some of you know, I live in Brooklyn, NY, and of course we were hard hit by Hurricane Sandy. Thankfully, my area emerged almost unscathed, but public transportation shutdown meant all three Framptons spent four whole days together.

We've been going through things to donate to those people who need help, and being grateful we have so much. My husband even had time to cook, since he wasn't working 12+ hour days at the office!

Anyway. I've been reading, of course, and writing a Regency-set historical, which has been a lot of fun to do (honestly!). I like my hero and heroine a lot, the stubborn things, and hope they can get together in a reasonable, believable way. Right now I have no clue how that's going to happen (I am a pantser, meaning I write by the seat of my pants, so I kind of write and plot as I go).

My December release, Vanity Fare, was just chosen to be featured as a title in Target's Emerging Authors spotlight, which is very exciting. That means they'll stock the book in their stores, which is awesome.

I hope everyone is doing well, and thank you to all of you who worried about us in the Northeast, and helped out where you could, and sent good thoughts. All much appreciated.


PS: The pic here is just because I always need a spot of cheering up, and no-one can cheer me as well as David Gandy.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you and the family are safe and that you didn't suffer any damage. I'm sure life will not turn back to normal for some time yet!

    The books sound great. Way to go on the Target promo!!


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