How was your Thanksgiving?

I'm sorry I don't have a Regency-relevant post for today. I've been fighting a nasty cold and just remembered it's my day! So let me tell you about yesterday.

Given my cold, it turned out to be a very good thing that we weren't going anywhere or hosting anyone for Thanksgiving this year. I was able to have just the kind of Thanksgiving I could enjoy.

I woke up at about 5:30AM, too congested to fall back asleep. So I got up to have some breakfast, tea and meds, and it turned out to be blessing, because I caught this gorgeous sunrise. The photo doesn't even do it justice. 

My daughters and I shared the cooking tasks, so I was able to spend a lot of time resting on the couch and watching the Finding Bigfoot marathon. Sasquatch fascinates me, as do the Loch Ness Monster, crop circles and anything else on the fringes of science and fantasy.

I was very proud of my daughters. My youngest made deviled eggs and the cranberry sauce (so much better than the stuff that comes out of a can).  My oldest baked honey apple pies, using a recipe from my grandmother's Lithuanian church ladies' cookbook. 

We worked together on the rest of the feast: herb roasted turkey breast with cider gravy (a Rachael Ray recipe), stuffing muffins (also Rachael Ray) and sweet potato and apple casserole from The Best of the Finger Lakes cookbook. We washed it all down with Finger Lakes Riesling and sparkling cider. Yum.

I feel blessed to have had such a lovely day with family.

I hope you had a wonderful day, too.  Did you do anything special? 



  1. I hope you are feeling better soon! It is miserable to be ill on a holiday!

    I drove the eighty miles to my Mom's house for my first Thanksgiving with my family in seven years. I have always had to work before this year. It was lovely to be able to sit down and eat all of the wonderful food with my family rather than the weekend after from plastic containers brought to me by my Mom.

    It is always a treat to have Mom's made-from scratch chicken and dumplings, Japanese fruit cake, cherry pie, sweet potato casserole, and macaroni and cheese. My sister-in-law prepared peas from her garden and a wonderful cornbread dressing.

    The food was great and the best part was the joy my mother had at having all of us at her table for Thanksgiving.

  2. Thanks, Louisa. I am feeling better but it was truly a nice Thanksgiving anyway.

    I'm so glad you were able to do the family Thanksgiving. I'm sad anyone should *have* to work that day.

  3. We drove to Richmond to have TG with dh's side of the family and we had a lovely time. My daughter helped more with the cooking than I did. I kept going in the kitchen and getting in the way rather than help. I did stir the gravy, though.

  4. I was away in NYC for 3 weeks with the Red Cross and didn't get home until Wednesday night. We had decided to celebrate Thanksgiving on Friday because my return time wasn't definite, plus my daughter is married to an only child whose family demands they spend each holiday with them. There is no way I am going to put them in the middle of a tug of war. We were a military family and learned a long time ago that holidays are more than just a date. You celebrate when you can. (Our daughter and son-in-law are asserting themselves, but I am not going to push it.)
    We had a nice dinner. I made a pumpkin pie and an apple pie. One of our daughters made a walnut and honey pie much like baklava. We had a crown roast of pork instead of a turkey, but still had stuffing plus all the other usual fixings.
    The whole family was together, we have our health and our homes. It reminded me that so many in the Northeast don't have that this holiday. Even those with power may not have heat. so many live in buildings heated by boilers that were flooded and destroyed during Hurricane Sandy. It will be a cold, miserable holiday season for many.

  5. Amanda, they tasted even better. Apple with honey, nuts and raisins. mmmmmm

    Diane, they obviously saved the most critical task for you.

    Pat, we are all fortunate that there are people like you to help in times of trouble. Also sounds like you are a very wise mother. I'm glad you had a good holiday. You deserve it!


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