Winner of THE LADY FROM SPAIN by Gail Easwood!

I asked my younger son to draw the name for the winner of the free copy of The Lady From Spain. The one he pulled was Karen H. in NC!

Congratulations, Karen! I guess it really was worth the extra postings, eh? I am off at the New Jersey Romance Writers "Put Your Heart in a Book" Conference this weekend and am away from my computer, so if I don't find a moment and a method to get the book to you this weekend, please be patient, and I'll take care of it as soon as I get home!

Thank you, everyone, for your comments on the cover art, and thanks again to those of you who entered the drawing. So sorry you couldn't all win! I hope you'll consider trying one of my books, anyway, if you haven't read one before. If you're curious, you can find info about each of them on my website,

Gail Eastwood


  1. Congratulations, Karen! A nice prize for you.

  2. WOW...thanks so very much. I'm looking forward to reading your work. I'll wait to hear from you and enjoy the conference.


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