Title help and giveaway!

I just got the second proof copy of the Print-on-Demand version of Lady Dearing's Masquerade. The first copy had a few problems, which I've fixed and this copy looks great! Even though I believe e-books are real books, having a copy I can hold in my hands is still really, really cool.

So now I am looking at this proof copy. Susanna's post last week,  Trouble with Titles reminded me of how I've been struggling with a title for my balloonist story. The connection: I'd be delighted to give away this copy in exchange for some help brainstorming.

Note: this is just brainstorming--I'm going to pick a winner at random, not based on who gives the best title advice. I won't necessarily use any of the names we come up with.  I still have a few months' work to finish the story, so the Perfect Title Fairy might still deliver.

Just tell me what you think of my ideas so far and let me know if any new ones come to you.

To give you an idea of the story, here's the tiny blurb I currently have up on my website, which sounds kind of trite (quick pitches are another thing I struggle with).
My hero, Gil, is a Waterloo veteran turned aeronaut. Not trusting the future, he lives for the moment, while my heroine, Emma, is a village schoolteacher so weighed down by past tragedies she has forgotten how to enjoy life. Together they deal with ghosts from their pasts, a saboteur and a passion that won't be denied.
My initial working title was Heaven Sent. He crashes into the meadow behind her cottage and changes her life. Clever, huh?  Not so much. There are at least eight books on Amazon with that title, mostly romance in various sub-genres but also one book that was religious in nature.

I decided I was not in love with that title anyway.

So I took out my journal and trusty blue gel pen and started brainstorming:

The Angel and the Aeronaut -- too traditional Regency!  Too much sex in this book for that title.

Then I thought of playing with Flight of .... something.  Flight of Fancy?  Flight of Passion? But I also found a few books with titles like that.

OK, maybe The Height of something?  Folly? Passion? Desire?

Or something to do with rogues--my hero seems like a bit of a rogue and rogues are sexy, right?  Rescued by a Rogue?  Or does that sound too Regency again?

That's where my brainstorming petered out.  So for the chance to win the final proof copy of Lady Dearing's Masquerade, let me know what you think of these title ideas.  New ideas warmly welcomed!

I'll announce the winner next Friday.



  1. I do think Rescued by a rogue sounds very Regency.
    Maybe something with Wish Upon..., because he falls out of the sky like a star and their lives get better as if they had made a wish upon a star.

    Good luck with finding the perfect title!

  2. How about 'Weightless' (they are no longer weighed down by their pasts)or 'Carried on the Wind'or 'Currents of Folly/Desire' (as in air currents)
    Goodluck, I'm sure you will find the perfect title.

  3. Rising to the Occasion ;)

    I like everything you've mentioned.

  4. Thanks for your ideas, Stefanie and NIcole. Adding to the list!

    LOL Maggie. My hero does that, yes.

  5. Balloons and Bloomers?
    Aeronautics and Arrogance?
    A Big Heaping Serving of Hot Air?

    I'm terrible at titles, in case you couldn't tell ;)

  6. Phyllis, you're cracking me up!

  7. One High Time
    Ever So Hot
    Such Scenery from There
    Frozen Embers

    Susan in AZ

  8. All I can think of are titles that sound like fart jokes. I love Maggie's suggestion.

  9. Susan in AZ, thanks for all the ideas. I feel very stupid--I was baffled for a moment by Ever So Hot. I assume you were talking about a hot air balloon, but I didn't think to mention that Gil flies a hydrogen balloon. The very first balloons were hot air, but since they didn't have concentrated fuel like propane, you couldn't go far in them and you'd be busy the whole time either feeding the fire or sponging downthe canopy. So hydrogen balloons became popular. You could go for nice long flights in them, which definitely works better for the story. :)

    Janet, all those possibilities with "Air" and "Wind"... Maybe not!

  10. Destination to Passion
    Floating Folly
    Schooled in the Air

    I know these are just silly. Oh well.

  11. I liked your title Flight of Passion. How about Swept Away?

  12. Best I can come up with is Up and Away. I was thinking of "up up and away in my beautiful balloon", but it could also refer to their emotions and to feeling freed etc.

    )I did a quick check and there's a recent rap song called that, but the lyrics look OK...)

  13. Melody, it's all good when brainstorming. Either for a laugh or for putting bits of the ideas together to make something that could really work.

    jmcgaugh and Helena, thanks for your ideas. Now the old song is in my head. I'll have to check out the rap tune!

  14. Depending on her surname, what about 'Miss Blank's Ascent?'

    Especially if she's socially elevated through the relationship, cos then it has a double meaning. (And it also sounds a bit like 'assent', which I like.)

  15. 'No Angel He...'

    Just trying to help and you did mention angels

    or maybe it needs to be 'No angels They'
    and now my knickers are definitely in a twist.

  16. The title that popped up before I read the blurb was ABOVE IT ALL. That may not apply, but I like it. I look forward to reading it. Love hot air balloons.

  17. Passion Above the Clouds

    Desire's Flight (or Flight to Desire)

    Hmm. Going to have to give it more thought!

  18. Marianne, Beth, Pat and Louisa, thanks for all the new ideas! You rock.

  19. Nice titles.

    How about
    future flight
    sent by air
    voyage in the aeronaut's arms
    the trouble with aeronauts



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