Putting Things in the Right Place

It's been nearly two weeks since returning to the current work-in-progress, A Hero's Return, and I had the conundrum that the action was set in the wrong place.

It's taken me this long to figure out the right place to put the action, which makes 100 pages of the doc not useable in its current iteration. I can reset the action, but of course that means adding in characters, and motivations, and different events.

Thankfully, I'm kind of a talking head writer, so the characters and their conversation, rather than where they are, is the focus of my writing, so it won't be too onerous.

Working on that, and happy that fall is finally here, and VERY MUCH looking forward to seeing Skyfall, the next James Bond film.

What are you working on? What are you most looking forward to this fall?



  1. Working on book 2 Hidden Possibilities of my Endless Possibilities series, editing for submission to my publisher. I'm really looking forward to cooler weather. James does, indeed, look fine. :-)

  2. I'm revising my latest manuscript which I hope to finish this week, then move on to Book Two in my Gaming Hell duo.

    I have some sympathy with your need to rewrite a lot!!

  3. Megan, I admire your fortitude for taking on the task that you know is the right thing to do for the story. I'd send sympathy, too, except I'm certain your whole story will rise to a fine new level in the process, so it's all good!!

    I'm back to doing research for my wip. I get stuck when I don't know enough about some aspect of a character or situation. Really. It's not just because I love research!

  4. I'm looking forward to finishing the WIP and moving on to the next one! And I'm looking forward to cooler weather. I am completely through with summer. PLEASE!


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