Nothing says hot romance....

like a water buffalo!

This is a plea for help on my current blog tour which so far is a little too quiet and well-behaved. I'm publicizing Hidden Paradise and doing good by pledging $1 per comment to Heifer International, up to $250 which is the "price" of a water buffalo. I mean, what's not to love? Big horns. Big snuffly nose. Cud chewing. You don't get nearly enough cud chewing by heroes, let me tell you. Can you name a book where the hero chews his cud in a ruminating sort of way? I can't.

You can also win some backlist books, so it's a win-win all round. Here's the full schedule, thanks to Goddess Fish.

Here are today's posts at United By Books and Rachel Leigh Romance.

Please help me spread the word and check out my guest posts where there are excerpts and fascinating details of my life.

Thanks! And right now I'm off to JASNA on a bus and I hope I'll have some pics to post next week. T

1 comment:

  1. LOL, Janet! I see they have camels too.

    Have a wonderful time at JASNA and tell us all about it!


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