Giveaway Time!

Today it's time for a giveaway!  Because I, once again, bought a book I already own, so I'm giving away the new copy of Antonia Fraser's Love and Louis XIV:

 Adelaide of Savoy, a favorite companion of Louis XIV during his dotage, remarked, "Under a king, a country is really ruled by women." Fraser's history of the court of the Sun King, seen through the lens of the women closest to him, is a highly readable confection, and unfolds as a sequence of cameos. There is Queen Anne of Austria, Louis's steely moth"r and regent, who carefully molded the infant King into an Apollo adored by the court; and his wife, Marie-Therese of Spain, who gave him no trouble except by dying. Then comes a trio of mistresses: Louise de La Valliere, who became a nun as recompense for her sins; Athenais, voluptuous and fecund; and Madame de Maintenon, the discreet and redoubtable confidante of his later years. With vivid wit, Fraser demonstrates that within the edifice of the monarchy there were deep crannies of ordinary affection. (Review from the New Yorker)

For a chance to win, just leave a comment here telling us who your favorite royal mistress in history is!  (I'm very fond of Madame de Pompadour...)


  1. I don't need it because I already have a copy ;) But that is a GREAT book. I'm intrigued by Mme de Montespan, especially after reading The Affair of the Poisons.

  2. I haven't read much about mistresses in the French court, so I'll choose a favorite from England: Nell Gwyn.
    Thanks for the giveaway - I'm sure I will like this book.

  3. I've always been intrigued by Diane de Poitiers and her relationship with Henry II. scandalous woman (at) gmail (dot) com

  4. Hmm favorite mistresses... well Marie Antoinette, King Henry the 8th's Janes,

  5. Mrs. Fitzherbert of course! :)


  6. LOL! I also love Nell Gwyn and Diane de Poitiers :) Phyllis, have you read "Athenais" about Montespan? It's another great biography...

  7. Nell Gwyn had such panache! How can you not love her. And of course Mrs. Fitzherbert - any woman who could put up with Prinny was a force to be reckoned with!

  8. And such great shoes! LOL Being a royal mistress is perfectly acceptable to me so long as the wardrobe is to die for! Shallow? Moi? Never! :)

  9. My Lady Scandalous---Grace Dalrymple Elliot!

    The book sounds great!

  10. LOL!!
    my choice would be Camilla, as at the end, she got her Prince!!!

    cyn209 at juno dot com

  11. I will have to go with Nell Gwen. I bought a book while we were on vacation about affairs in court and may have another answer down the road.


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