
I pride myself on not taking anything for granted (though the Spouse might disagree if I do or not), and I enjoy every Season; the stark, snowy ravages of winter, the delicious crisp smell as fall arrives, the steamy summer where I can go for months without wearing socks.

But Spring is special. And this Spring, with the winter the Northeast has had, is extra-special. I cannot wait for it to arrive.

Earlier this week, on my day off, I headed out to the library to pick up more books I don't have time to read (it's a sickness), and on my walk home, I noticed some brave little green shoots poking out of some folks' front yards.

Crocuses? Daffodils? My breath caught. I think it's early days yet, but I do think Spring is on its way, and the first sign, the absolute very first sign, for me is usually the first sighting of crocuses. Not even the flowers, yet, just the green parts edging up from the ground.

Oh, yay. It's been a long winter. I've liked the winter, but I'm okay with it being done. I'm tired of being cold. I want to wear a coat that's chosen for how cute it is, not how much warmth it offers.

What about you? Any signs of spring in your area?


P.S.: And I found time to write again this week! Second week in a row! Yay!


  1. Good for you, Megan!

    Our apple tree is in bloom. I pruned the roses, and they're already coming back.

  2. Yay, Megan! Good job!

    Most of my Spring bulbs are already poking nice sized green shoots above the ground. Of course we have had a couple of weeks of gorgeous weather. Highs in the 70's and lows in the 40's.

    Unfortunately, I have lived in Alabama long enough to know that winter usually takes one more swipe at us before he lets us go. I just hope my trees and flowers are killed off when it does.

  3. Those first green shoots and hints of colour revive the spirit so wonderfully. Here in south eastern England we have prunus blossom and crocus, snowdrops and daffodils multiplying day by day, in spite of biting cold. Plants are amazingly hardy - thank goodness. i hope your writing flourishes like the spring flowers.

  4. No green shoots yet but I can see the post for my mailbox. The snow drift was so high the box seemed to be sitting on it, but it is finally starting to melt. Does that count? :)

  5. Daffodils are out and fruit trees are blooming here in NorCal. However, I haven't seen the bees up and about yet. Come on, bees! I love this time of year before the hills turn brown again.

  6. Yay! Glad so many of you (Elena excepted) are seeing signs of spring.

  7. bulbs are poking their green leaves out of the soil and the trees have buds on them. I can hardly wait for the cherry blossoms and then the dogwood!!!


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