Read Along Round Up

We have some prizes to give away in celebration of our first Heyer Read Along, but I confess that I've been so slammed with revisions that I haven't picked winners yet. The revisions are done. I think. And now I'm a wee bit behind on the next book and I have to hit the ground sprinting on that. I will pick winners this week, so do please watch this space.

Thank you to everyone who participated, whether you commented or just read the book. Venetia love was in the air! Major kudos to everyone who commented. The discussions of this book were lovely. You guys are really awesome! I really enjoyed reading about that people thought and going over the varied analyses. There were even a few side discussions on Twitter that were quite interesting.

I had such great fun with this. As you may know, I had resisted reading Heyer for ages and ages, because I am stupidly stubborn that way, but broke down a while back and read Regency Buck which I like a lot. Venetia was my second Heyer. I now have two more Heyers in my TBR,

I have a few thoughts for next time, since I think there should be a next time, so any opinions would be welcome. I'm wondering if we should in future read the whole book first, rather than dividing by chapters. I think many of us read the book very quickly and I know my thoughts were much fresher soon after reading. Thoughts on this? Suggestions for improvement?  One idea would be to have a Twitter hash tag for the next Read Along.

Anyway, prize winners To Be Announced soon!


  1. The one book that I think a great deal of us have read, but I'd love to do discussion on it is Lord of Scoundrels. It is unfortunate that Edith Layton died last year, but since she did she fits into the author must be dead requirement.
    This book just seems to split people as to loving it or hating it. I know I want to discuss it with people. And although I know only a small portion of us have e-readers, but I would like it if the next book was available in an e-format. I'm not against reading paperback books, I just started a wonderful one about Mr Darcy's American Cousin, but I find that I forget them places more frequently than I do my Kindle. Of course my Kindle case is actually my purse, so it would suck if I forgot that....
    Anyway that's my two cents.

  2. I support the Kindle idea, too, although, like JA, it won't be a deal breaker with me.

    I LOVED this read along!! I would absolutely like to do it again. is a "Twitter hash tag"? I confess, even though I am on Twitter, it is a complete mystery to me! As is half of Facebook.

  3. I think I'd prefer to read the whole book and then discuss it -- reading a bit of a book and then stopping isn't terribly natural to me! :-)

    Though I admit that the chapter approach is interesting in that you get people's reactions as to right where they are in the text, what they think will happen next, etc. But still, I prefer reading it all at once...

    Great idea, BTW, Carolyn!!! I really enjoyed the discussion...


  4. Thanks for the comments!

    Jane: I would love to read an Edith Layton next. And Yes, how awesome if there were also an eBook. The current stupidities going on make that even harder to try, but maybe everyone will get their heads screwed on straight by the time we do another Read Along and eBooks will be more widely available at reasonable prices...

    Diane: A twitter hash tag is when you append an agreed upon phrase or acronym in the form of #[some text here] to the end of a tweet so that anyone can search Twitter for all Tweets with that hash tag. This allows all interested parties to follow a stream of tweets concerning a certain subject.

    Then you can go to and enter your hashtag (try: #Elvis)

    The hash tag for this year's RWA will surely be #RWA10

    During the recent US Presidential election watching the hashtag stream for the election was really an astounding thing to see. Same for the unrest in Iran.

    Cara: Yes, I'm definitely thinking reading the whole thing may be best.

  5. I truly enjoyed this readalong! It was so much fun to discuss one of my favorite books with some of my favorite people and to read everyone's thoughts and opinions. So I am absolutely up for another one. Edith Layton is a great idea. I am a big fan of her work. If we wanted to go completely off the deep end we could try Jane Eyre.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Beth Elliott said...
    I did enjoy the readalong and the insights from other readers' comments. I quite liked reading in sections, it made us focus on smaller areas for comments.

    By the way, 'Venetia' was so inspiring I've written a summary of 'what became of them'. If anyone's interested, it's on my blog -


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